Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Echos of Eccles

Bertha Eccles Community Art Center. (Well actually, it's just called Eccles Community Art Center since 1976, but I don't like leaving Bertha's name out of it. I know that whole Eccles clan has given beau coups gifts to Ogden and vicinity, but I still really appreciate Bertha's contributions!)

All-kyna things going on here. Sculpture gardens, classes, plays, exhibits, music, restorative yoga.

I was selling tickets to a play here the other day. Just sitting at my post, minding my own business, which is like UNHEARD of if you know anything about me. But I really was. I had already done all my traipsing and snooping to find good pictures. I was just sitting there and noticed that the window across the room had a certain photographic appeal. It reflected the painting inside while reflecting something from on the porch and at the same time, the street lights shined through.
Snap! Nice, huh? Especially that little blue circle right in front of the radiator behind the table.

See? Right there...

Isn't that a pretty little blue ball? But wait...I don't remember seeing that there before I took the picture. And when I looked back from the camera to the window, it still wasn't there. Let me take another picture to see if it shows up again. Something reflected on my camera lense, or... No. It wasn't there in the next picture, either. And it never came back.


  1. The place is haunted and it was a blue ghost.

  2. Most orbs I find in my picture are white or a facsimile of such--makes sense that an Art center would have a bright, colorful blue orb!

  3. Wonderful pics! I love that building. I think my favorite of your pictures here is the first one. What a cool shot!

  4. 'Tis the season. I think you should take another bus ride and then blog about it. Hmm?(don't forget your can of green beans though)
