Saturday, November 28, 2009

Queen Of The Rink, Anyone?

These ladies represented at the parade tonight! (You know, the Ogden Electric Light Parade, fireworks and Christmas Village Opening--where were YOU? It wasn't even cold.)

I had no idea they even existed until I saw their float. An endearing piece of my past has just come back to life. I don't know, though. They said they couldn't throw the competition over the rails (because it's a flat track and there are no rails) OR elbow them in the breadbasket, (but I know they still have breadbaskets.) I'm calling "WIMPIE." What do you think? Is everything just getting too watered down in this oh-so-politically correct world?!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh. I think I just found my new sport, but I have to agree it might be a little too wishie washy for me without all the "breadbaskets" .... speaking of bread. I think I am going to go eat a delicious cream cheese croissant. MMMMM.
